How to Establish a New Reality, AKA Anyone Can Be Brainwashed
Nothing works if you can’t tell the truth
In 1961, a book was published that examined thought control and how societal brainwashing was successfully accomplished in China. The author posited eight steps that were needed to alter peoples’ thinking to make them compliant with a societal change that a totalitarian regime was implementing.
Let’s have a look to see if we recognize any of these applied mainly in the West to the transgender “journey” where biology, physiology and reality have been sacrificed to a destructive ideology.
1. Milieu Control
Controlling the group’s environment is crucial to getting attention. Lock downs, lax parental rules around screen time, online school and social isolation were the perfect storm for children and teens to be spending a lot of time online and unsupervised on their devices. Online forums for distressed parents of teens who out of seemingly nowhere, suddenly announcing that they are now trans or nonbinary are full of accounts of how this declaration followed on from many days of unsupervised computer use by their kids. Here is one place where you can read about this. Social contagion is another important factor. If your children’s school has a high rate of “trans kids”, look out for yours to join the cool crowd too.
A key step in controlling the environment is creating parental alienation. Now that kids are back in school, they are at the mercy of teachers who think their role is not to educate, but to indoctrinate children into social justice warriors and parents are painted as the enemy of this. Many parents are appalled to discover that their children are leading double lives as one sex at home and another at school because teachers are not just tolerating, but encouraging students to do this.
Who knew that a teaching degree also covers medical and psychiatric training? It doesn’t? Well then why are teachers talking to children about puberty blockers and dealing with a mental health disorder?
2. Mystical Manipulation
Ah, the world of glitter. rainbows and unicorns, what could be better you ask? You are what you believe yourself to be; children “know themselves” the gender woo crowd intones… That this is not true is immaterial to the Judith Butler queer theory adherents.
Ideological believers in gender identity have created a mystique which not only justifies manipulatory thinking, but makes this mandatory and imposed from above. Entire governments have capitulated to the disordered thinking that proclaims that TWAW, etc. and daring to state otherwise can get you fired from your job and leave your career and reputation in tatters.
Trust, which is a foundational concept in every human society is deliberately eroded and in its place is put a ‘higher purpose’ that is faith based and must be paid homage to in a manner that means that we are deprived of the opportunity to exercise our capacities for self-expression and independent action. It’s not enough to pretend to go along, the equivalent of the Chinese Cultural Revolution’s “struggle sessions” are happening everyday right now.
It’s the rainbow lanyard or psychic suicide.
3. Demand for Purity
In China, Mao did not allow for any behavioral deviation to the life instructions contained in his Little Red Book. Totalitarian regimes are black and white; there is no tolerance for independent thought or shades of gray.
A hallmark of the trans agenda has been its “no debate” stance. Even asking the most basic and innocuous questions at all is considered to be “bigoted”, “transphobic” and “hate speech”. Perfection allows for only two states of being: transgendered (or that meaningless label “nonbinary”) or a TRA (Trans Rights Ally). That’s it. Although the “Q” in the alphabet soup of what began as LGBT is meant to stand for either “queer” or “questioning” the enquiry bit of asking about this is relegated to questioning one’s sexuality, not about whether any of this stuff has any validity at all.
Transgender ideology dictates that if you have any ideas, feelings or actions that are not consistent with the belief that mammals can change their sex, you are an evil person, in need of re-education at best and eradication if necessary for the preservation of queer theory ideological doctrines.
Women especially pay the price for our purity that often begins as a simple request to “be kind”. Being kind to this so-called “vulnerable” population starts off by pretending that something is true when it isn’t, progresses through the loss of private spaces and the dignity that these provide, being forced to use compelled speech all the way to the end point of watching men win awards set up for women and losing sports in competitions where men’s superior physical strength can’t be beaten by any amount of extra training. Does it not occur to publicly ask why we don’t hear about trans “men” competing and winning male competitions?
4. The Cult of Confession
It is not enough to acknowledge that transgender people exist, they must be celebrated, feted and propped forever on the pedestal of their own making. Anything less is not acceptable.
Both wider societies and individuals are fighting for space to deliver their mea culpas to the “rainbow community” (but actually only the T component).
Birthing and breastfeeding forums are full of examples of women who are mothers tumbling over each other to apologize for being “cishetnormative” (so somehow “wrong” and not sufficiently “inclusive” enough).
(An aside about the word “cishetnormative”. This mouthful of syllables is designed to make transgenderism sound routine and nothing to be upset about. “Cis” in this context is a tool to create more valid categories of people; it is designed as the alternate of “trans”. It means you are content to rest with the “gender you were assigned at birth”, which is patently ridiculous as no one is assigned anything at birth. Your sex is observed and registered. “Het” is short for heterosexual, which is actually the default setting for all us mammals because it is the only way our species can reproduce. It does imply that anything else is deviant. And of course, “normative” means just that: what is taken as normal. This has been understood by all of society for thousands of years and in no way excludes those who choose to not fit into this.)
Natal males cannot get pregnant, give birth or breastfeed. Women who have had their breasts amputated cannot breastfeed. “Everybody” can’t breastfeed so why are these groups who were founded by women to support mothers forgetting that babies don’t care about adult ideas?
Why are organizations like La Leche League and the Australian Breastfeeding Association sacrificing the foundational mother/baby dyad and losing their previous advocating for the rights of babies to sooth the sensibilities of adults who want to deny their womanhood or satisfy a sexual fetish? While at the same time forcing their volunteer mother (sorry, parent!) workers to pledge fealty to an ideology that is at odds with the best interests of babies?
Women are being exploited into ignoring safeguarding concerns around themselves and their children, while at the same time supporting a society that is so misogynistic that young girls are opting out of womanhood altogether, rather than face the sexism that is everywhere.
5. The "Sacred Science"
The belief in gender ideology is no more than a religious cult. As with other cultist religions, there is the doctrine, taken as immutable and unchangeable, and there are “others” who are nonbelievers and so need to be converted or destroyed.
The transgender agenda holds that everyone has a gender identity, which has nothing to do with one’s sex and that is not fixed in any way (unless it is fixed of course. There is no logic to this creed as it is not reality based.) This is a sacred belief, which accounts for the histrionic response to any questioning by those who fail to not just go along with, but actively celebrate men who call themselves lesbians with “lady dicks”, despite the same sex attraction that defines lesbians (and so excludes biological men from the lesbian dating pool) and the thousands of concerned parents trying to keep their children’s bodies intact until after puberty when the majority of them will no longer be suffering from gender dysphoria and will be at peace with their bodies again.
Unifying the mystical and the logical modes of existence is the purpose of transgender “science”, which makes unproven claims and relies on “research studies” that would not pass muster in an undergraduate course, let alone anyone who was interested in real results, children’s health or safeguarding.
Published in 1949 (coincidentally the same year that Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People's Republic of China), George Orwell’s masterwork novel “1984” was published. There is a veritable treasure trove of appropriate quotes relevant to the adoption of a false belief system contained in this novel; here is but one: “If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
It’s not a secret that mental instability is a factor in suicide at every age. Psychologically healthy people do not kill themselves. It should not come as any surprise that the self-delusional thinking of those who consider themselves to be transgender leads to higher suicide rates (than the general public) at every age and stage, even after every futile intervention designed to “change” their sex. There is only so long before hope runs out and despair sets in.
6. Loading the Language
This is the big one. Dehumanizing language is key to accepting that sex doesn’t matter. By collectively reversing the conventional meanings of sex and gender and claiming that biological sex differences are culturally “assigned” at birth and that gender identity is immutable (well, except when it isn’t because it’s “fluid”), by breaking down women (because it’s always women who are expected to compromise and give up their needs to satisfy the wants of others) into their body parts (“people with a cervix”; you won’t find any “people with a prostate” as these are all “men”), the trans lobby pushes their case and makes compelled speech compulsory, with suitable penalties for us resisters.
The easiest place to see this is with our pronouns. In the Olden Days, this was easy. He/him for the boys, she/her for the girls and they/them for more than one person. Now though assumptions must never be made about such a serious subject. Harm could be caused by “misgendering” an individual! No less than the UK’s NHS has declared that a primary question to ask patients is not “what seems to be the matter with you?”, but how they “identify” so as to not mistakenly refer to them incorrectly. If you want to really make yourself feel special, you can make up your own neopronouns (with weird spelling that makes them hard to pronounce) and then get angry at anyone who doesn’t get them right).
One man living in England, who was over 60 years old, refused to answer the question about the possibility that he may be pregnant, so the blood service lost a long term, committed donor. One might have thought that his obvious age would have negated any need for questioning around pregnancy, never mind his obvious sex, which is male.
But the real damage is the wholesale erasure of truly inclusive words such as “woman” and “mother” by the adoption of gender neutral/gender free words in their place. I do not have an argument with changing the labels of anything that is not sex specific. Anyone can chair a meeting; it does not require a chairman. Flight attendants can be any adult who has done the training. But sex-linked physiological acts can only be achieved by one sex and erasing this harms everyone and pretending it isn’t true is pointless. In matters of medical well-being or physical health it can be outright dangerous. There is no fertility clinic anywhere in the world that is going create a baby using any formula other than one egg from a woman and one sperm from a man. From a baby’s perspective “parents” are not interchangeable Lego bricks.
I have written about this multiple times: here, here, here, here, and here are just a few posts where I dissect in detail how women and babies are harmed by pretending that conceiving, gestating, birthing and breastfeeding are “neutral gender” abilities. Desexing language does not change the physical realities of anyone’s body or what that body is capable of doing.
What is one important thing that gets lost in the thicket of gender compliance? Babies. Their welfare and safeguarding, their agency and the recognition that they are independent human beings with their own needs and vulnerabilities.
7. Doctrine Over Person
Queer theory is a deconstructive philosophy that relies on dismantling societal norms to interrupt “cishetnormative” power structures in society. It is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the dominant. It aims to “break the binary” which is of course, at odds with the reality that as mammals we are a sexually dimorphic species with a binary reproductive system. “Identifying” an office chair as a lettuce does not change it into an edible salad green and pretending that you can change your sex to anywhere on the “spectrum” does not make this true.
The subordination of ordinary, normal human experience to the claims of the transgender doctrine is a myth making enterprise that can be so compelling and coercive that it simply replaces the realities of individual experience. “Authenticity” becomes something that can be bought at a medical clinic and everyday lifelong maintenance is required to bolster the artifice that underpins someone’s “real” self.
Detransitioners have realized the falseness of this doctrine and report they now realize that their untreated mental health problems were the cause of their gender dysphoria, not the other way around. They were not mentally distressed because they were transgender; they thought (usually after spending long periods online or in the presence of similarly distressed peers) that if they established a transgender identity, this would solve their mental health problems. It didn’t. All it did was give them mutilated bodies that will never function as they were designed to.
Of course those in thrall to the trans glitter family, unicorn promoting movement claim that there are only a tiny few people who choose to detransition and they probably weren’t trans to begin with. Rather than modify the myth in accordance with experience, the will to orthodoxy requires instead that people be modified in order to reaffirm the myth.
8. Dispensing of Existence
Kathleen Stock in her book “Material Girls” talks about the performance art lifestyle that is the transgender experience. If you are trans, you are always “on”, always performing being a person of your own choosing, rather than coming to terms with the reality of your sexed body or indeed accepting yourself as you are. Making yourself the star of your own show has a cost that not only others, but you have to pay.
Reading about mind control in totalitarian states such as Hitler’s Germany, the Soviet Union under Stalin and China under Mao made me realize where the trans claim of “you must love me” comes from. I think we’ve all had a bit of a chortle over the ridiculous claims from TRAs and trans “folx” that unless they are allowed in every private space their natal body would bar them from and enthusiastically push children into “gender affirming treatments” that will leave them with permanent impairments, we “hate” them, want them all “killed” or we don’t believe they “exist”. But this also has a sinister under-side….
When training up a society under thought control the group arrogates to itself the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. So, to be trans you are either in or out. You can be “in” by being an “ally”; you don’t have to do anything more than publicly announce your fealty to the movement. Refusing to join means rejection by the group.
Unfortunately, now that many governments and corporations have swung right on board the trans express, there is just one path to true existence, just one valid mode of being, and that all others are perforce invalid and false. So there are now thousands of workers wearing rainbow badges and offering their pronouns who are only acting under the pressure of keeping a job they need to pay their mortgage. Pretence is often enough (which of course is another irony in a movement that claims to be striving for “living our authentic lives”).
The arrogance of the mandatory conviction that there is just one path to true existence, just one valid mode of being (with multiple and ever-changing permutations), and that all others are perforce invalid and false only works if the entire world is in on the performance and never stops applauding.
Living with a fear of extinction or annihilation is not a healthy way to live, nor does it enhance a person’s wellbeing. Is the acquisition of a costume identity and bending to fit the framework around the demands of gender ideology worth the loss of long-standing loyalties, ruined friendships, broken families and wider societal divisions?
In reality…
No one can change their sex, but there are many examples of societies which have coercively forced their citizens into false belief systems that have had a corrosive effect on trust, relationships and even love. Compelling a belief in transgenderism by flying flags everywhere and threatening those of us who refuse to bow down before the false gods of one of the tiniest hues of the “rainbow community” is ultimately futile because in the end it doesn’t work.
Truth will always win through because not every mind can be controlled forever.
so clearly and logically put by you. thank you. uurghhh. if only it weren't so horrifyingly true and so horrifyingly happening.
Lucy, You are doing an exceptional job at explaining how this machine works. If we had heard, just a few years ago, that adults, some very well-educated, would turn their back on the one thing that all science is based on, the most basic principles of evolution, the most basic principles of life, the most basic principles of nature...But what am I saying! What a ludicrous thought, right!? And yet, here we are today, living this unthinkable dystopia. I used earlier the word "machine", because someone is making a lot of money with all this grief and all this confusion. Lucy, thank you for shedding a light and call us back to reason, to sense and to nature. You remind us of where the truth really is.