Heartbreaking yet critically important information to disseminate. Thank you Lucy Leader.

Behind this madness is what you so well pinpoint,

“Women’s bodies are powerful. They are the only sex that can grow, birth and nourish a brand-new human being. But for those girls at the start of womanhood, they can’t see their own power yet and what they can see is really frightening. It’s so much easier to believe in the unicorns and glitter promised to them by the trans crowd than it is to accept their changing bodies.”

Societies that are comfortable undervaluing women cause girls to want to be anything but. So sad.

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Excellent points! This is simply the latest in many scandals, and with this one, there will be a great reckoning as many of its most exuberant supporters are probably going to act like they had no part in it.

I also usually say that males are driven by their illogical perversions into "trans," while young women are looking to escape male perversions with "trans." It makes sense that way usually (not every single case, but usually).

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those photos brought tears to my eyes.

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There’s one huge factor starting in millennial’s generation that you’ve missed. It’s not advertising that leads the cultural hyper sexualisation of women. It’s porn.

I’m a reasonably sheltered Catholic grown up, married with three girls. I delayed sex until five days after my wedding night to postpone a honeymoon baby. But I know what facial abuse porn is. I also know ALL the bog standard tropes in hardcore porn. I know this because 1. My delightful atheist friends thought it would be funny to play a “hey watch this!” Prank on the ‘goody’ Catholic girl with the aid of school computers in 2007 (I still pray for that girl I saw in that video). 2. I spent a lot of time with male friends at uni who, when sufficiently inebriated, asked honestly what I thought of various verbal descriptions of stuff they’d seen in porn. (Answer 99% of the time was EWWWWW GROSSS You actually did that to your girlfriend whom you ‘love’?? Or that sounds like it would hurt. You know porn actress are acting right?)

Advertising FOLLOWS porn trends. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. My generation were all exposed to hardcore online pornography before we turned 18 with few lucky exceptions. Last I checked the average age of exposure is around 11 years old. That tracks with my anecdotal experience. I would not be surprised if it’s younger now. Girls in particular when exposed I think definitely get the wrong message given the gross standard misogyny (and I don’t use that term lightly) in all porn. So do boys and then their sensitive emerging sexual arousal pathways are being wired by pornographers who want customers.

Just about every kid has the WRONG idea about sex before they even have anything like a sexual experience and often have some trauma from it. Undoing those is hard, assuming you even see that there is a problem.

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When absolutely everything is run on a "for profit" basis, this is what you end up with. Including human relationships. There is no material difference between renting a vagina for 40 minutes and renting a uterus for 40 weeks. Some men have proposed using the bodies of women in comas and persistent vegetative states as "gestational carriers" for those who buy babies via surrogacy. I mean, they are just lying there doing nothing, so where's the harm? https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/telling-it-like-it-is-without-the

If you follow the money in all of these things (transgenderism, porn, surrogacy, etc.) they are all part of how men make money, which is clearly more important than anything else.

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I have stumbled across a trans-identified woman's YT channel and it's been both an interesting and sobering experience watching the videos. This person came from a strict conservative Christian background, married young, escaped and is now living in CA as a transman in a relationship with a woman. This person has also been training for a bodybuilding competition, where they will compete alongside natal men.

I am at a loss to imagine what serious damage this is doing to the body - to not only be post-menopausal, and taking a large cosmetic dose of testosterone for almost 10 years, but also going thru the intense and severe prep/training regimen a bodybuilders must subject themselves to.

This person also made a video talking about how they are technically taking anabolic steroids but they should be allowed to compete in the natty men's division because their T usage was different (for survival purposes) compared to natal male body builders. And I was just like, "the only reason you can develop the musculature you have as a transman is because of the large cosmetic T dose you take. Of course you're not natty."

It's truly mind-boggling.

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The level of delusional thinking needed to support this lifestyle choice must be exhausting. This woman needs to look at the follow up literature on what happened to all those East German women who were forced to take steroids to win international competitions. Extended high T levels are toxic to natal female bodies. Sure, in the short term you get extra muscle, but in the long term your body can't cope.

And the statement that always baffles me is the statement about how all these props to a real life are necessary to find one's "authentic self". Um, no artifice does not create authenticity, because mammals can't change sex, so trans people are living the most inauthentic lives possible.

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