Thank you for writing about this. So many things about the genderist movement make me angry, but this medically sanctioned, quasi eugenic abuse of children and most especially girls is the worst. I can only hope that our political class one day will have the courage to admit it was wrong and to apologise to all those harmed by this ideology.

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We talk so much about these girls and boys becoming so dissociated from their bodies that they seek surgery but it’s the doctors doing this that have become truly dissociated from reality.

What the f is going through the mind of a surgeon who does this??? How has a medical professional got to this and how are they permitted to do it? What is a surgeon thinking as he cuts off healthy breasts? How do they justify it? I don’t think I’ll ever get my head around this

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In the US definitely, but surgeons in the UK and Europe who aren’t financially motivated have been doing this too. Hubris? Experimenting or ‘because it’s the protocol’? Which smacks of ‘I was just following orders….’

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What’s going thru their mind is money. 💰 a lifetime patient and knowing the 5B lobby is behind them so they will never be personally accountable for the death and permanent mutilation they inflict. They are sociopathic people who hide behind their credentials and violate the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. Snake oil salesmen’s in white jackets and they are all culpable for murder of children.

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Yup follow the money and one place it will lead you to is this woman who delights in chopping off healthy breasts for profit: https://www.dailysignal.com/2024/08/18/pro-transgender-surgeon-flaunts-patients-amputated-breasts/

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Sep 27Liked by Lucy Leader

Utterly vile.

It has always struck me as so odd how the "trans community" treats those mained or killed by these brutal medical interventions and detransitioners alike like grimy chancres on it's underbelly. Wiped away and never mentioned except to malign and claim that they were "never truly trans".

Surely it would be more logically consistent or at least helpful for them to champion those harmed by the barbarism of the medical system on which they all depend until positive change has been achieved? IDK...

Thank you for writing about poor Griffin.

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Read about the eunuch archives and WPATH. Many of the adults involved in pushing these procedures delight in causing harm to children and young people. Slicing off breasts: a feature of medieval paintings of female saint-torture. There are men who get off on this stuff and always have.

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Horrifying, very very dark stuff. I’ve noticed though that people really don’t want to know about the really deviant aspects of this whole mess. They’re comfortable about the sports, women’s spaces and protecting children but when you mention the underlying perversions it’s fingers in ears time

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This is medical murder.

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Sep 27Liked by Lucy Leader

So sad and so unnecessary. She spent the last 11 years of her life ,from age 13 , being experimented on by ghoulish medical "professionals" and now she's lost her life because of it !! She obviously suffered a huge amount of pain during that time and for what ? She was still female and could have had a happy life as a lesbian (maybe) but now she's gone . So heartbreaking . Makes me so angry with these " doctors " . If only she'd been given psychological help from a real therapist ,her suffering might've been avoided. These " professionals " should be in jail . This needs to STOP asap !! RIP ,Griffin x

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Sep 27Liked by Lucy Leader

The doctors essentially tortured her to death.

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Thanks for reporting on the woman's story. May she rest in peace while those that did this to her be held to account.

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Tragic. Thanks for the story.

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Sep 27Liked by Lucy Leader

What a waste. When will people realise they can’t alter the human body to whim as if it’s a digital avatar? When will surgeons and medics say “No. I empathise with your distress but this is not the way to resolve it. It does not work.”

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Grim reading - but thank you.

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This is horrendous. Are you listening to the new Julie Bindel podcast?

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It's on my to do list for today!

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I want the doctors who did this to this tender young teen imprisoned for YEARS.

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Sep 27Liked by Lucy Leader

Nightmarish. And you weren't kidding about the photos in the phalloplasty article.

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Thank you for this Lucy. Not an easy subject and everyone seems intent on avoiding it. All power and strength to you!

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