Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

"Some things are just wrong." Yes, exactly!

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I agree that “both sides of the debate” in the matter of men expropriating women’s and girls’ spaces, sports, words, and bodily functions is dead in the water. There is no ‘both sides’, and never was, it just took us a while to realise it. These men want it all their way, because their feelings demand it, and they’ve never had any compunction about imposing those feelings on us. My position is now ‘no debate’ that they have no right to expropriate our stuff.

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Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

Great article on a serious issue —Lucy you still managed to make me laugh when I should have cried!

The saddest thing of erasing women, erasing biology, in favor of all these terms, is that we are forced to continue to use the male experience as default for both genders. Say Goodbye to Women’s Rights!

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Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

Lucy, you are so accurate. Love it.

And "queer theory" around sex only works if you are male. If you are the half of the human race that gets pregnant, or can easily be beaten or killed and thus easily intimidated by the other half, then it matters a lot. But women don't matter, and so queer theory is acceptable in law, health, policing and society in general. Only when women's needs are considered worthy can we push back on this utter nonsense.

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Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

Great article thanks Lucy.

“You can be “inclusive” or you can be fair” could make a great T-shirt slogan! It might act as a conversation starter about standing up for the rights of women and children.

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Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

Believing you are someone you are not is called being psychotic in psychiatry. How come these trans people are accepted as the opposite sex, when they are clearly not the opposite sex? This is a mass psychosis! These people need psychiatric help, not collusion with their delusions.

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Jul 25Liked by Lucy Leader

Totally agree. This whole ideology is a tragedy for women and children and needs to be stopped asap. Pity so many politicians , among many others are such cowards !!Well said.👍👍👋

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Jul 27Liked by Lucy Leader

if you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.

That's it, just like me.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Lucy Leader

in a nutshell (pardon the pun) one group places born women rights under mens rights ; there are zero born women who now ID as men who are winning or usurping mens priority in spaces and prizes ; btw endometriosis is underfunded to the tune of trillions and when men steal gynaecological hormones and waiting places on waiting lists more born women suffer - to suit men who want to steal womanhood

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Excellent! Have restacked!

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Preach!!!! Omg finally someone nails it brilliantly and across the board.

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