i feel like the third world war started with the internet. particularly with pornography which is propaganda that colonised the minds of the world. it was the beginning of outright war not just against women but also against healthy loving men. pornography scripted intimacy and by doing so has undone humanity at the most primal level. it replaced intimacy with violence. it's been all downhill since then. it makes me sad for my children. and everyone else's.

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This is why I don't understand why the politicians and voters who speak out so much against "drag queen story hour" and certain books found in libraries, don't also rage publicly against online porn and go after the Internet Big Tech Industrial Complex to ban it once and for all. Sure some of those library books may be a bit over the top but they are absolutely nothing compared to what kids are exposed to every minute online. I mean, comparatively, how many kids even go to libraries anymore? There's a reason why these politicians are making a big show over a few obscure books that nobody reads and NOT going after Big Porn.

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if i had the power the internet would never exist. the harm has outweighed the good.

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Excellent and important as always. Thank you Lucy. The chart from LLL is shocking. Along with all the madness on it, it supports the sale and donation of ova and surrogacy as though women's reproductive systems, at all ages and stages, are harvesting factories. The debasement of women in any area is a downfall for all women.

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I'm on the fence about surrogacy. I know wonderful families who were created via it. Also surrogate mothers ARE mothers and so are the women for whom these children are born. There's no reason not to categorize these women as mothers too.

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Yes they are mothers. Most often women who love motherhood and are joyous to be pregnant, can earn income being at home with their own children while carrying another's child. These mother's enter into a contract and must adhere. Part of fulfilling the contract often means they must be given the same injections as women who do IVF, to increase eggs and this may also mean favouring the desired sex of an embryo over the non-desired sexed embryos and hence terminating those early embryo. There are numerous instances of infants being abandoned which is why India, an early adopter of the financial opportunities as well as the plethora of willing mothers, has now closed down all surrogate services. There are many good outcomes. But there are many dark stories of great hardship for the surrogates and for the children. It is not an even playing field. Who benefits most? Perhaps the surrogacy providers who have a power differential over women in need of money who risk their bodies and minds in commerce

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I am not on the fence about surrogacy: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/what-is-a-mother All the "wonderful families" created via surrogacy are founded on an expectation of trauma that they conveniently choose to ignore: https://www.genethique.org/surrogacy-you-cannot-replace-the-suffering-of-an-adult-with-the-suffering-of-a-child/?lang=en All the wonderful stories about surrogacy never consider that babies have their own human rights and agency separate from the adults involved. And now that former surrogate babies are telling their own stories, they are not always happy either: https://www.legalizesurrogacywhynot.com/jessica-kern-story#:~:text=At%20sixteen%2C%20a%20therapist%20I,in%20fact%2C%20my%20biological%20mother.

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Lucy, I felt chills run down my spine. You synthesized the insanity of what is happening in League, “Babies are being subjected to no more than medical experimentation and women are being harmed because they are not breastfeeding after giving birth. For LLL to support this represents a major divergence from its previous stance of only promoting evidence-based research to back up practices and educational resources.”

And for us, leaders in Spanish speaking countries, this arrogant imposition of language feels not only illogical, but utterly disrespectful.

Thank you for articulating the concerns of the majority of LLL Leaders worldwide.

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Quite the Faustian pact the mum to mum breastfeeding support community has entered into with the sex denialist cult. Not sure what we counsellors got from the mastectomy performing and fetish having devil? The dyad certainly gained nothing 🤦‍♀️

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