Jun 19·edited Jun 20Liked by Lucy Leader

perverse posing is not Motherhood or nurturing - it is denial of humanity and biological reality - Woman is adult human female ; cis was s term created by a misogynist genderist-

watch learn and weep bout Genevieve Gluck's research :

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Jun 19Liked by Lucy Leader


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Jun 19Liked by Lucy Leader

Thinking back over the years, I can't remember anyone saying, "We really should be castrating more young men. And just think how many young women would benefit from double mastectomies and premature menopause. I'm sure they'd all be happier."

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Jun 19Liked by Lucy Leader

This is so infuriating. Let’s prioritise the fetishistic urges of men and the delusions of mentally ill women before babies because, you know, “inclusion”. Gender ideology is sick and harmful to everyone! 🤬

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Jun 21Liked by Lucy Leader

Lucy, thank you for sharing this important article once again. I am concerned not just with the damage caused to our old focus on evidence-based breastfeeding information by insisting in including males in what is exclusively a biological female experience, but also by the persistent erasure of the words “mother” and “woman”. As if breastfeeding mothers were not invisible enough in our societies 😞

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