“When patriarchal structures are dominant, replacing the word mothers with parents undermines the mother’s decision making ability.” Thanks for sharing this post and for this statement. What happens to mothers and babies cannot be understated : Being Kind and Inclusive to Everyone hurts the position of mothers in the family. It’s time our Western culture admits that some people (like males) need to be excluded from sexed female activities in order for women and babies to thrive.

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So much to say! I'm limiting myself until I find out if this account will allow dissenting and questioning comments though.

<La Leche League Leaders who could see that the LLLI Board was literally killing this venerable organisation by its insistence on using “a variety of terms” in place of mother....> If you are an LLL Leader you ought to know very well that the 'variety of terms' used by LLLI is alongside, and not in place of, mother. And that there was wide consultation about the policy before it was adopted by the democratically elected LLLI Board. It is vexatious and misleading to suggest that consultation and democratic votes are an imposition. Decisions being made that you do not agree with do not mean you have not been heard, or that a decision has been imposed on you - it just means your view is in the minority.

Noone is replacing actual mothers or the term 'mother'. And I do enjoy a good bit of hyperbole, but noone is 'literally killing' the organization! There is much evidence that La Leche League is very much alive - far surpassing the mid-year fundraising target (despite the nefarious website exhorting people not to donate to LLLI), accrediting new Leaders, increasing reach, engaging in global advocacy, launching new projects and resources etc. Anyone wanting to know more can read LLLI's new publication here https://www.llli.org/lll-today-1/

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