Thanks Lucy. Glad you mentioned the sabotage of the mother and baby relationship as the primary reason no HCP or breastfeeding charity should be supporting men to induce galactorrhea.

The betrayal of women by these women led organisations is the worst internalised misogyny I can imagine.

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It turns my stomach to think of those men who are so unable to control their fetish that they use a baby as a prop to enable it.

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Oh Lucy, I must highlight one meaningful point you make in this brilliant article:

“My irritation is the inherent misogyny embedded in the thought that rather than restructuring societies to actually support women to breastfeed their babies, a better solution is for men to just do this instead.”

When will mothers be heard? When will it be our turn to demand basic human rights?

Thank you for articulating our frustration with a misogynist system that exploits and devalues us.

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Excellent as always. Back when I was a vegetarian we ate sunshine burgers, or black bean burgers. We knew they were not meat, and mostly enjoyed the taste and familiarity of eating a type of burger. The transhumanism infiltrates food first - with fake meat and lab grown meat and then softens the blow and opens the mind to lab grown human experiences and substitutions. And as you make so clear, there is no thought to the wellbeing let alone thriving of the child.

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Brilliant piece Lucy. Two words stand out-fetish and bonkers

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What about mothers who physically cannot breastfeed due to medical issues or otherwise?

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The number of mothers who cannot feed due to medical issues is actually quite small, but the number of mothers who have trouble breastfeeding due to iatrogenic causes is much larger. And of course, women are socialized into feeling guilty when they follow the instructions of "experts" and it doesn't work. When you've tried your best and not succeeded, an appropriate emotion is anger, not guilt. Unlike those men looking for public affirmation for their performance art lives, women want to do the best they can for their babies.

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What about them? Let the men take over when that happens?

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Katrina, I am afraid that what may come out of a man’s nipple is not comparable to mother’s milk, Is it? We know that the drugs a man must take to produce a few ounces of milk (no records to date of any biological man producing a full supply) those drugs are ingested by the baby. This results in feeding baby an experimental substance.

Most loving parents would hesitate to subject their baby to an experiment. Emotionally and nutritionally, a baby is programmed by nature to thrive in mother’s arms and milk.

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I was replying sarcastically to that commentor, which I realise doesn't always come across in the written word. But, yes, what you say is true, and it's gross.

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Katrina, my apologies!!! I am a woman/mother who belongs to several marginalized minorities. I am so worried about this censorship that silences our needs and the needs of our babies.

I am grateful to LucyLeader and to you for showing up here and supporting observable facts, evidence-based science, and common sense. Thank you!!!

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Hey, no worries. I'm too long in the tooth now to "sweat the small stuff" :-) Glad you care enough to speak up - which was very politely done I might add :-)

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