“Alternative facts” cannot create an alternative universe
Lies, deceptions, obfuscations, falsifying fabrications, cult indoctrination, myth making and just making up shit. Welcome to Trans World!
"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by Trump flunky Kellyanne Conway during a TV interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended the White House Press Secretary's false statement about the attendance numbers at Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States.
When I look at people like Trump, I see far more than some narcissistic wet dream of money and power, what I see is a modern-day Harry Houdini or David Copperfield, both of whom were master escape artists and illusionists. Putting themselves into situations of danger that seemed escape proof and making even huge, fixed objects seem to disappear were their specialties, and through dint of constant repetitive practice they made what they did look effortless and masterful.
Trump’s real gift is his ability to inspire others to leave their moral compasses in the lost and found box as they endeavor to ingratiate themselves into the grace and favor status of Trump insiders.
Unfortunately, the parallels between Trump World and Trans World share features, including magical thinking.
In Trans World: all you need is faith and an ability to deny reality
Because I value clear thinking, let me reiterate that when I use the word “sex” I am talking about biology, which is immutable and physiological. “Gender” can be anything including a synonym for sex, an identity, a feeling or belief and a social construction.
Let’s start with the overarching foundational belief of Trans World: that mammals have a “spectrum” of sexes, can choose which one they feel like and in fact, can change sexes at will throughout the entire lifespan. Some animals do indeed fit this description, but not any animals that are classed as Mammalia, including us.
We are not stag beetles or clown fish, or any other sort of living creature who use a combination of temperature and environmental conditions to determine their sex. It’s all down to which of your male parent’s sperm gets there first in the race to fertilize your female parent’s egg and once in, that’s it forever. No one is “assigned” a sex at birth as it is glaringly obvious if you are a girl or a boy. In fact, it’s so obvious that no training at all is given to birth workers because this is unnecessary.
Gender is different; according to this source, there are at least 107 named genders, but of course when you are dealing with the fantasies of people operating out of an ideology, rather than reality, there are always room for more!
A quick word about the latest bandwagon word, nonbinary. Nonsense. Every person on the planet has a sexed body that is on one or the other side of the binary. Identifying as a lettuce does not magically turn anyone into an edible salad green.
If you don’t want to get murdered, trans is good!
Of course, in today’s world stating these facts gets you accused of “not believing in trans people” (true) and of ‘’wanting us dead” (not true). According to the pundits of Trans World, a trans identity puts a target on your back that leaves you more vulnerable to being murdered by others. This is not true. If you want some actual numbers (as opposed to the fairy tale feelings of a lobby group), you can find them here and here.
It also pays to note that of the trans people who were killed, most of their deaths were not because they were trans. If you die after being hit by a car, this is not a trans murder and if you earn your living via prostitution, you have a higher chance of harm regardless of any identity you claim.
Raced based murders have the highest number of victims, but just try identifying out of being Black and see where that gets you.
For adults, trans is men's rights movement in womanface
The fact that we live in a patriarchal, capitalist culture is not in dispute. From the earliest suffragettes through to modern day women’s rights advocates, this is what we have been up against; that living in this society puts women in the #2 spot behind men. If this were not true, we wouldn’t need all the safeguards that have been built in so that women can participate in public life and so we can be valued for the differing perspective we bring to living together.
But just being at the top of the privileges pyramid is not enough for some men. Trans “women” (aka men) are now gaining even more advantages by claiming they are women and entitled to win/gain accolades that were set up specifically for women so that we could have a turn in the spotlight occasionally.
Nowhere is this more obvious than in sport. Sports, like birth and breastfeeding are embodied activities; feelings and beliefs do not play sports, bodies do. The entire rationale for creating a women’s category in the majority of sports is so that women can win. Would you put in the time, effort, and training to compete if you knew you had zero chance of winning? Me neither.
Lia (William) Thomas was a middling competitive swimmer in the male category, but he found a way to become a real winner: he now only competes against women.
He is not bothered about walking around naked in the women’s dressing room with his fully intact male genitalia on display. He has stated that he is still attracted to women (at least he hasn’t also claimed to be a lesbian, as other men do), but he is also not bothered about the upset he causes to his team, who are all women.
Rachel Levine will go down in history as the first woman American four-star admiral. Except he isn’t and in fact, until he was in his mid 50s his entire life and career had been as a man; he fathered two children while he was married to their mother.
It hardly needs to be said that he is fully in favor of children being mutilated in the name of “inclusion”, despite the fact that his adult successes were powered by the fact that he is male.
The most recent man to take out a prominent women’s prize is Monroe Bergdorf. In November 2023, UN Women, which focuses on the empowerment of women through gender equality appointed him as the first “UK champion” for UN Women UK. According to the 2021 census, women and girls made up 30.4 million (51.0%) of the population of England and Wales, but apparently none of them were found suitable for the honor of representing the “gender” of women. Too bad they weren’t interested in sex equality instead as then a real woman might have been appointed to this high-profile position.
While Mr. Bergdorf has clearly had some medical procedures in his quest for a womanface life, according to the pushers of Trans World, this is not necessary at all. That tall, bearded person sitting on the bench in the female changing room at the public swimming pool watching the girls stripping off to get into and out of their swimsuits has every right to be there if he utters the magic words, “I’m a woman”. Anyone who complains may find themselves summarily ejected from the building.
According to this source, in the USA 81% of women have reported being sexually harassed, assaulted or raped in their lifetime. Up until recently, a woman who felt uncomfortable in public could retire to the women’s restroom to escape male attention. Now there is nowhere for her to go to escape unwelcome attention from a man because abracadabra, “I’m a woman” he can waltz right in behind her.
Do I think that all trans women are predators? Absolutely not, but gender-inclusive policies do provide cover for men behaving badly and this is why private public spaces for women were created in the first place. Allowing men to declare their sex as women removes any safeguarding for women.
Younger performance art specialists like Monroe Bergdorf believe that the best women are men like him, but the truth is that many men who transition later in life (after building successful careers as men, having been married to women and becoming fathers) are more likely to have autogynephilia (AGP).
Autogynephilia is one of many sexual paraphilias, but the important thing to note is that the central core of this condition is not actually sex or sexual satisfaction, but identity run wild. Men who are autogynephilic are desperate to be seen as women and are so excited at the mere idea of being seen as women to the extent that they will blow apart their whole lives in the futile pursuit of “becoming” women.
This is where male anger is on full display. If you consider yourself a woman, then the woman’s bathroom is where you belong! The fact that most men retain their male genitalia is a fact that they fail to take into consideration. I mean if they can pretend they aren’t men, why can’t we?
Most photos of AGP men show them presenting as ultra-feminine. As a woman who more or less lives in jeans and casual tops, I am clearly not up to speed on how “real” women are meant to dress; by their standards I’m the one who’s not a woman. AGP men use this to bolster their belief about the false lives they create, but often this does not satisfy for long, so they attempt to appropriate other aspects of womanhood (as I have previously written about here:
I have already written about male lactation and men breastfeeding here and here. Intrusion into mother-to-mother breastfeeding support groups offers up a unique opportunity to “prove” their perceived right to disregard the social conventions that keep women safe and well.
Plainly speaking, the reason that men attempt to breastfeed is for their own gratification and as an affirmation; the baby is just a prop, in the same way as longer hair, nail polish and bags of silicone implanted into their chests buttress their fantasies.
And this man has really reached the outer limits of Trans World, with his desire for a uterus transplant so that he can become pregnant and go down in history as the first trans woman to have his pregnancy terminated. The fact that if he can raise the money, some doctor somewhere will probably facilitate this is a whole other topic.
Trump World and Trans World: the two sides of the same coin
Trump and his supporters who believe he is some modern-day version of Christ are suffering some sort of a derangement syndrome. Their bodies may be intact, but any critical thinking skills they had have been eaten away by rot. Men who say they are women with or without gender reassignment surgery which has damaged their bodies, are deluding themselves. There will never be an operation, a treatment or a procedure that will accomplish the goal of becoming a woman.
Trump is no one’s savior and no boy can grow up to be a woman.
How do you describe the women who take testosterone and calm themselves men and then get pregnant . Still calling themselves pregnant men . This enrages me snd because it does I lose my cool and find it hard to react to rationally when women in their 20s and 30s say “ that’s great “ 🤯🤬
Yes ! As for “ nonbinary” I have also said the same thing ! It is NON SENSE! There isn’t such a thing among mammals! It’s another one of those made up words by the stupid but dangerous trans cult! I just wrote a comment on Substack about this silly term.. And how it actually contradicts what the trans cult believes: that there is no binary of sex. If there is no binary, then they cannot be a non-binary. But logic never has stopped a cult !My feeling is that these, silly people who say they are non-binary must be akin to slime molds which are nonbinary , though they do have some primitive sexual reproduction.
And Primitive is a good moniker for the “ nonbinary “ among us!