“LLLI places volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters in a difficult position because they can no longer refuse to deal with approaches from men. There is no safeguarding for babies; they can become props for those seeking self gratification. The loss of the breastfeeding relationship causes harm for both babies and their mothers.“ This! LLL Leaders the time is NOW to get information about the upcoming Board of Directors’ election. Ask your DCE admin who your Board rep supports. Is it mothers and babies, or is it men with gender dysphoria who seek access to women’s bodies and safe spaces against women’s will?
I really hope the Australian Breastfeeding Association can hold this nonsense off. They’ve been a life saver in the wee hours of the morning and I’d hate to think that so many counsellors would be tied up with men treating it like free phone sex at the expense of women who NEED help.
“LLLI places volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters in a difficult position because they can no longer refuse to deal with approaches from men. There is no safeguarding for babies; they can become props for those seeking self gratification. The loss of the breastfeeding relationship causes harm for both babies and their mothers.“ This! LLL Leaders the time is NOW to get information about the upcoming Board of Directors’ election. Ask your DCE admin who your Board rep supports. Is it mothers and babies, or is it men with gender dysphoria who seek access to women’s bodies and safe spaces against women’s will?
Thank goodness and thank you for speaking the plain truth so clearly.
I really hope the Australian Breastfeeding Association can hold this nonsense off. They’ve been a life saver in the wee hours of the morning and I’d hate to think that so many counsellors would be tied up with men treating it like free phone sex at the expense of women who NEED help.